Harnessing the Sun: The Future of Residential Rooftop Solar

Odisha is on the cusp of a solar revolution and we at Dhenkanal Solar have been right at the forefront, leading the move towards sustainable energy solutions.


1. Financial Savings: Install solar panels on your roof is the potential for significant savings on your electricity bills. By generating your own power, you can reduce or even eliminate your reliance on the grid.
2. Environmental Impact: Solar energy is clean and renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, it doesn’t produce greenhouse gases or pollutants. By choosing solar,
3. An excellent investment. You can also avail subsidies for rooftop solar for your home and even earn extra money by exporting surplus solar electricity to the grid.
4. Clean, Independent & Reliable Energy. A rooftop solar solution helps you generate clean and uninterrupted power throughout the year by harnessing the infinite energy of the sun.
5. Reduce maintenance. Rooftop solar for your home comes with minimal maintenance compared to conventional alternative sources of energy to grid electricity.
6. A Brighter & Greener Tomorrow. Going solar and generating your own energy from of your rooftop will help you reduce your carbon footprint for a greener tomorrow!


Residential rooftop solar panels represent a significant opportunity for homeowners to embrace clean, renewable energy, reduce their utility bills, and contribute to a sustainable future. While there are considerations to address, the benefits far outweigh the challenges. As technology advances and costs decrease, the adoption of solar energy is likely to become even more widespread, making it a key component of our collective effort to combat climate change and build a greener future.
Here are the different types of rooftop solar systems thatDhenkanal Solar provides for residential needs so that you can choose the one that works best for you!


On-grid rooftop solar systems, also known as grid-tied solar systems, are designed to work in conjunction with the electrical grid.
on-grid rooftop solar systems allow you to use solar energy to power your home while staying connected to the electrical grid. This setup maximizes your use of solar power and often provides financial benefits through net metering or other compensation mechanisms.
In many areas, you receive credits or compensation for the excess electricity you generate and send back to the grid. This can help offset your electric bill.


A hybrid rooftop solar system combines elements of both on-grid and off-grid systems. It allows you to enjoy the benefits of solar power while providing additional flexibility and resilience. A key feature of hybrid systems is the inclusion of a battery storage system. This stores excess electricity generated by the solar panels. The stored energy can be used later when solar production is low, such as at night or during cloudy days.
One of the main advantages of a hybrid system is that it can provide power during grid outages. If the grid goes down, the system can use the stored battery power to keep essential appliances running, provided the hybrid inverter is designed to function during outages.
you may still benefit from net metering or similar schemes for any excess electricity that is sent back to the grid.


An off-grid solar system operates independently of the electrical grid, providing power entirely from solar energy
Cost: Off-grid systems can be more expensive initially due to the need for battery storage and backup, but they offer independence from utility companies and can be particularly valuable in remote or rural locations. In essence, an off-grid solar system provides complete independence from the electrical grid, relying on solar power and battery storage to meet all of your energy needs.

Ready to enjoy great saving & even greater realiability in installation of rooftop solar


Free site survey and system design
Quick and hassle-free installation including grid connection
Three free after-sales service visits in the initial year
25-year warranty on solar panels

Connecting to the power grid

Customers can take advantage of the hassle-free process of grid synchronization following the installation of a grid-tied solar system. We handle all the entire synchronization process for the customer, beginning with:
Registration with DISCOMS in your area
Power purchase agreements with DISCOMs for 25 years
Obtaining safety approvals in accordance with state policies through CEIG
Resolving any technical issues that may arise while connecting to the grid
Finish all paperwork with DISCOMs.
Local DISCOM synchronization

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